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eLearning AI Localization Automation

Convert your eLearning prompts into any language with human-like voices into any language in minutes.

Automated Workflows

Localize thousands of prompts automatically.

Translate, proofread, record, slice and name thousands of files in minutes at a fraction of the cost into 1,100 languages.

Learn more about pricing
Quality Flexibility

Human-proof any step of the L10N process.

You can select if your internal or external linguists, or the client, will be reviewing one, or all, outputs or to leave as fully automated.

Start working on projects
White Label Portal

eLearning projects creation and control for you and your clients

Web-based, secure control

Register your internal teams and roles
Create a white label portal for high volume clients
Give options to fully self-serve quality control or not
Let's get in touch!
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